Games for kids (Age 2, 3, 4)
Learning to read and write the alphabet and numbers with educational games
Version: 1.2.4
Program available in: English
Program license: Free
Program by: Endyanos-imedia
Games for Kids (2,3,4) is a fun, game-oriented app designed to help with the development of young children between the ages of two and four. The app has specific sessions that focus both on learning numbers and the alphabet, as well as writing them.
Games for Kids helps youngsters by turning the lesson into a fun, engaging game that will not only interest your child, but also help him/her learn at the same time. At the time, the app is available in both English and Spanish, but support for languages is expected in the future.
If you have a tot that's constantly wanting to play with your phone or tablet, why not let them try this game out the next time you hand your device over? Best of all, Games for Kids is free to use, meaning you can download it right now!

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